Human heart functions as a synchronized pumping motor keeping the blood circulation flow constant. The synchronized pumping action is due to a complex interconnected wiring system present within the heart fibers. The primary trigger to maintain synchrony is called the Sinoatrial node (SA node) and is located somewhere within the right atrial fibers. Sometimes in some individuals due to various reasons, the harmony between electric triggers from the SA node is affected resulting in rapid, chaotic, quivering movements of the atrium. This is rapidly firing, quivering movement of the atrium is known as atrial fibrillation (AF). Normally the SA node triggers around 60 - 100 heartbeats per minute. But when fibrillation, the beats extend between 100 to 170 chaotic beats per minute.
The causes of atrial fibrillation are not known. However, there is a strong relationship with myocardial infarction, coronary artery disease, congenital heart defects, high blood pressure, overactive thyroid hormones, certain medications, caffeine, sick sinus syndrome, certain lung diseases, and previous heart surgeries. It is also found that stress, anxiety, and some mental illness can trigger atrial fibrillation. You can talk to an interventional cardiologist to know more about each of these causes and the risks of AF.
The association between stress and AF is unclear. But it seems like there is a complex interconnected relationship between AF and stress and anxiety. Studies done in the past revealed prevalence of AF increased with higher levels of perceived stress. Some studies also show that people with AF are more likely affected by anxiety and other mental illness. More studies are necessary to fully understand the complex interconnection between stress and AF.
AF in most people presents as abnormal palpitations, easy tiredness, breathlessness on minimal exertion, weakness, dizziness, and chest pain. Though AF can cause abnormal, rapid, and chess pounding palpitations, there are no serious threats to the heart. But just like a rapidly vibrating tuning fork stands stable, quivering atria is unable to pump sufficiently leading to stagnation and blood clot formation. Unfortunately, the blood clot can get dislodged anytime and move freely within the circulation. This moving blood clot is a serious threat leading to strokes, myocardial infarction, pulmonary embolism, deep vein thrombosis, and other potentially life-threatening complications.
Due to its potential to cause threatening complications, it is important to identify AF early and treat it. AF is diagnosed by normal EKG. Sometimes your doctor will order a lengthier EKG monitoring known as Holter monitoring or Event monitor. When found the doctor will start rhythm controlling medications and medications to prevent blood clot formation. You can ask an interventional cardiology specialist online to discuss the results of the EKG and echocardiogram.
It is now clear that there is a clear risk of developing AF with perceivable stress and anger. Therefore, if someone is already diagnosed with AF it is essential to keep stress and anger checked. Beta-Blocker is used to check the threats of anger and stress in patients with AF. But along with medications, it will be beneficial to practice good anger and stress management process. Deep breathing exercises, yoga, transcendental meditation, relaxation therapy, and other mild exercises can help people to control stress and anger.